Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010 - Day 1

Sunday was Father's day and it is the first day of the Grocery Challenge. I have been stockpiling for a while now so I have a lot of pantry and freezer items already. I am going to try to include those costs in my weekly total. This week my youngest is out of town, so I am not going to include his $25. I will try to post all the prices in my posts. Usually the price will be for the whole item, so later in the week/month, when used again, I won't count it. Make sense??

Since Sunday was Father's day, we started the day with donuts from Jeff's Bakery. My one splurge for the week @ $10.50 for a dozen. (No receipt.) We don't do this very often, but I felt like my wonderful husband deserved them.

For lunch my husband and I had Jose Ole Taquitos ($2) and my daughter had leftover wings from BW3's on Friday night. She also opened some ice cream (yes before dinner) ($1.49). And I had some yogurt ($1).

For dinner we went to my In-Law's and I took fried chicken from Jay C's. 24 pieces for $16.99. Brought the left overs home (about half) along with 4 pieces of corn on the cob and dessert. So there is at least one full meal and will use any left over chicken in something else this week or freeze it.

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